Friday, September 4, 2009

3 months!!

3 months old! Lordy time flies by so quickly once they get here, it's crazy!

My little love bug, is doing great! :D This month we had to fight a nasty ear infection but after we got her on some medications for it, it was gone within a few days, thankfully! Hailey has started sleeping through the night, some nights she'll wake up for a little snack.. but that's okay, cause then she's right back to sleep. We get about an 7-8 hour stretch at night, and that helps makes us really rejuvenated.

We got Hailey's ears pierced whenever she was 10 weeks old, her piercings are doing great.. and she doesn't even act like she notices them. Last time she was weighed was at 11 weeks, whenever we went to the doctor for her ear infection.. then she was 11lbs 3oz! Growing little bug!

She's becoming so much more active, it's so fun! She brings EVERYTHING to her mouth. Toys, blankets, teddies.. everything! So slobber mouth is all the time, haha! She usually wears bibs with her outfits, just so her outfit isn't soaking wet. She's got her little "coo's" and "goo's" down like she's been doing it forever, so cute! & her little laughs are so heart warming! :D

Hailey is still breastfeeding! 3 months and going strong! :D In the beginning I wondered how long I would last doing it.. but now since she's doing so great, my goal is at least a year! Hopefully everything goes as planned, cause I know that is best for her. She hasn't started on any solids yet, at 2 months we experimented with cereal.. but it was too hard on her belly since she was so young.. so in a big longer we'll try again.

I don't know what I ever did without this little girl in my life! I love spending every moment, of every day with her. I do work a few hours a day whenever they need me to cover a shift at work however. But now that we're parents, we've taken the parent role.. and learned many things about life.. about what is important and what isn't important.. and how to take responsibility whenever you have a little family.

That's about all of an update for now, hope you all are doing great! I'll have another update next month since she goes back to the dr for her shots and checkup!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


July 27th- I had my pp checkup. Everything went great. I weighed in at 120, 2 lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm glad that I was able to lose it all quickly, breastfeeding helped me out a lot! All of my clothes are fitting again, except some jean shorts.. so all in all, I'm happy! :D I got on birth control, options were between the IUD, the shot, and the mini pill. We went with the pill. I didn't want the IUD, because we aren't for sure yet how long we're gonna wait for another, and I've heard so many bad things about the IUD. I didn't want the shot, because even my dr claimed that it can be hard to conceive again after being on that. (not that I wouldn't conceive, just that it could cause some problems)

Aug 10th- Hailey had her 2 month checkup. She has grown up so much! Time is flying, it's crazy! She is 24 inches long, and weighs 10lbs 3oz! Growing big! :D She took her shots like a champ. We gave her some tylenol before hand, and then fed her after they gave her her shots, and she went right to sleep. She did great. She's been a little cranky since then, but all in all.. she's taken it well. We have started giving her cereal at night, it helps her sleep.. and keeps her full longer. So it's nice for her, and of course nice for mommy & daddy to get some sleep as well!

Below are some recent pictures! :D

8 wks post partum

Yummy boobie milk always does the trick!

My beautiful 2 month old baby girl! :D

Monday, June 22, 2009

2 weeks old!

Here we are, 2 1/2 wks post partum. Things are going great!

Hailey went to her 2 wk pp checkup today, she is 7lbs 14oz. (8lbs at birth) they say she is doing great though and it's expected to lose weight while breastfeeding. She has started eating a lot more in the past few days, so I'm sure she'll become a chunker soon! :D She's also in the 50 percentile for her weight & height at this age. She is doing great sleeping at night. She'll have 4-5 hour stretches.. so it's nice for mommy and daddy to be able to get stretches of sleep. She'll wake up for about an hour to eat and be changed then she's back to bed.

I'm doing great as well, I don't have a checkup until 6 wks pp.. but I'm feeling great and back to my pre-pregnancy weight! My bleeding had come to a complete stop for a few days.. now it's back but just spotting. So not too bad. Stitches are gone, they were suppose to dissolve in 1-2 wks.

Yesterday was Anthony's first Father's Day! We went to church together, and had lunch at my grandparents house. I think that he enjoyed his first Father's Day, I hope he did.. even though Hailey is only 2 1/2 weeks old.. he's already such a good daddy! :D

That's about all of an update for now. Hope you all are doing great :D

"swimming" with mommy

1st Father's Day

Birth Story!

Where to begin.. :D

My original induction date was scheduled for Thurs, June 4th. I went to my 39 wk appt on June 3rd and he changed my induction date to June 5th. We were bummed. However, on Thurs (the 4th) the movers were at our house bring all of our household goods (since we just moved into our house) and I started having contractions around 6pm. They kept getting stronger and stronger, but I assumed she was playing games with mommy like she usually did. Haha! Little did I know, they would get closer and closer.. and STRONGER! Finally the movers left around 8pm, and I told my husband we HAD to go into the hospital.

We waited around a little bit longer, and went into L&D around 10:30pm. My contractions were 4-6 mins on the drive there.. but when I was hooked up to be monitored they said that they were 2-3 mins apart, and I was still only dilated to a 3. So they told me to get up and walk some and they'd check me in 2 hours. So we walked for about an hour.. then went and waited for them to come back and check me. When they came back at 1am (June 5th) I was still only a 3, but effaced a bit more. So they decided to keep me since I was going to be induced that morning anyways, and got me a room.

Once into our room, they started a bit of poticin just to help us progress a bit more. I received my epidural around 3:45am (girls don't EVER worry about the epi, my IV hurt worse than the epi.. no joke!) at that point I was 4cm dilated. So I was able to get a bit of rest finally. At 6:50am I was checked again, and I was dilated to 6cm. My dr told me to rest a bit more, because shortly we'd be pushing. I was in denial though.. because I've heard of SO many people getting stuck at a 6/7 and being there for HOURS. He came back and checked me at 7:30am.. and I was dilated to a 9! And so the pushing began..

We began pushing at 8:30am.. my doctor and nurses were still convinced that Hailey was small and it wouldn't take too much pushing and she'd be out. So we started pushing, and pushing.. and pushing. Finally he hooked up the vacuum to her head.. to help me out, and his words were "maybe she's bigger than we thought!" I had to be cut a bit, but not too bad. After an hour and 6 mins of pushing (9:36am) Hailey made her appearance into the world!

Hailey Jo Kienlen
June 5th, 2009
9:36 am
8lbs 21in long

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Less than 30 days?!

Holy cow! Where has time gone? It's so close that it's kinda scary. Haha! Regardless of how scared we are, we are truly excited for her to get here. Not to mention she's getting so big in there that she hurts mommy when she moves around. lol

I had my 36 week appointment last week, I'm weighing 144 lbs, which is a weight gain of 22 lbs. Not too bad, cause I really don't want to go over 150. But we shall see. I was dilated to a one whenever they checked me.. not too exciting seeing how people can stay at ones forever! But my doctor goes on vacation June 6th-14th.. and seeing how I'm due the 10th.. he said if I make it to a 2 or 3 before the 6th, he'll induce me. So we shall see.

The house is going great.. almost completely done! I can't wait to be in it.. which we will be before she gets here! Thank God!

Work is still going good, tiring since I work full time.. and am about to pop, but not much longer.. and I'll enjoy maternity leave. I'm somewhat looking for a job here where we are living so I'd be right up the road instead of 25 mins away, that would also be handy with me breastfeeding. So hopefully that works out.

Other than that, not much is going on. Not much longer :D

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Short Update

Just a short little update!

Things are going great down here in Texas! My job is going good, tiring.. but good, lol! We will be closing on the house today, actually in about 3 hours! We're so excited to have a place of our own again, and to call home. Except this time.. it REALLY is "ours" no more renting.

I can't wait to get into the house and start painting and all that good stuff! I can't wait to get Hailey's room all set up. My baby shower is May 2nd, so after that we will have everything and be completely done with her room. So exciting. I can't believe I'm already 32 weeks.. she's going to be here so soon. And with me working, it just makes time go by so much faster too.

My next doctors appointment is my 34 week appointment. I wasn't able to get one right off the bat because of changing doctors.. but I should be fine for the next 2 weeks until then. I've been experiencing lots of contractions, which I guess are just Braxton Hicks.. cause it's nothing consistent.. but man people weren't joking when they said do they hurt! Supposedly, water helps them.. hah NOT! Cause I drink plenty of water.. and they still come. So whatever :D Not too much longer!!

Oh and here is one of the 4d pictures from our ultrasound. I forgot to post it last blog. She's beautiful!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

31 weeks!

Geez sorry for not posting for so long. Things have been crazy busy, and it makes time go by so fast!

We have officially bought a house in Texas, yes our original plan was to live in Oklahoma. But we found a house, fell in love with it.. and it makes us happy! :D And all in all, that's what matters!
I have gotten a job, YES at 31 weeks I have gotten a job. I have a good friend who is a manager at a book store, and she told me she would hire me and even give me 6 weeks of maternity leave. Anthony isn't working, and we don't plan on him working either. 1) because he is drawing disability.. so he doesn't need to work. 2) with me working, I'd much rather Hailey stay with him than at a daycare. So that is the plan for now :D

Our 4d ultrasound went good. We had one at 28 weeks, and she was stubborn and wouldn't move her hands from in front of her face. So thankfully they let us come back again at 29 weeks. We got lots of adorable little pictures. I can't wait to see her ! :D

As for us moving to Texas, that also means ANOTHER doctor change.. but we've already accomplished that.. and I'll get to make my next appointment next week. I can't believe before we know it, she's going to be here. Time has gone by so fast.. and I know it'll even go by quicker once she is here.

I gotta say a HUGE congrats to The Scroggins & Northcutts on both of their little bundle of joys arriving! :D

Monday, March 9, 2009

27 weeks!

I can't believe here I set at 27 weeks. Only 13 or less to go! :D We have scheduled our 4d ultrasound, and I can't wait to see her beautiful face!! Just 11 more days til we see her! Anthony already claims she has my nose.. haha! It's adorable how excited he gets whenever he feels her moving. I can't even explain his excitement about her, and/or my excitement to see him so excited!

Things outside of the Army are still going great! It's wonderful knowing that we don't have to go back.. and it's wonderful knowing that I'll never have to tell my husband "see you later" ever again. Plus not to mention, we're back home with all of our family.. they get to see the belly grow & will be here whenever Hailey is born! It's wonderful!

Doctor appointment wise, things are crazy. I had to find a new PCM (primary care manager) so I went to her. And then she will be referring me to an OB. I still have very little weight gain (only 5lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight) but I assume that's from me being so sick in the beginning. Plus, I'm sure I'm not gonna mind not gaining tons of weight, cause it will be less to lose! lol! As long as Hailey is fine, I'm good to go!

I'm getting so excited for my friend Jennifer. She's exactly 10 weeks ahead of me, and getting sooooo close to having Mikayla! I can't believe in just a few short months I'm gonna be in the SAME exact shoes! Good luck girl, love ya!

I'll have more updates I'm sure after my next appointment & ultrasound.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

We're home!

& the big move is finally over! We're so happy to finally be home and out of the Army forever! :D Next is onto buying a house and setting it up and waiting for little Miss Hailey to arrive. Lately we've just been busy visiting family that we haven't seen. I can't believe that I hadn't seen my family in over a year, but it's so great to know that we don't ever have to leave again!

We're currently a little over 24 weeks pregnant. It amazes me every time I think that I'm this far along. I can't believe she will be here in approx 16 weeks! My baby shower is going to be the 1st or 2nd weekend of May, I'm getting so anxious for it. I haven't done my registry yet, there is only a few big things on there.. but I still have time. We're scheduling our 4d ultrasound for mid-March, around 28 weeks. We can't wait to see how much she has grown!

Other than that, not much is going on. I'm so happy to be home, and things are so much less stressful. The Army treated my husband great with his disability and we both have health insurance for life, along with all of our children will til the age of 18. So that is A LOT less stress about money! I finally got to meet my wonderful nephew who was born in August, he's such a handsome little man! It makes us even more anxious for Hailey to get here!

I'll update more whenever I can. Hope you all are great :D

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yep, very much so a girl! We're so excited. Anthony of course was wanting a boy, but now that we know it's a girl, he's ecstatic! I knew he'd be just as happy if it was a girl.

Our appointment was great! We got to see Hailey on the big screen tv for a nice 30 minutes. She's absolutely beautiful! Thankfully she wasn't modest at all, and we were able to get a good butt shot to see that she was a girl! Her heartbeat was a nice 150 bpm.. so she's doing wonderful! We were able to see her brain, all 4 chambers of her heart, her stomach, her kidneys.. and of course all of her limbs!

We have decided to do a 4d once we are back home. We weren't wanting to, because we thought it would ruin the suspense. But we're excited to do one.. and have some of our family there with us. I found a place that does specials for $100 so that's awesome!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

19 weeks.

*ALMOST 1/2 WAY DONE!! I had my 19 week checkup today, things are going great. My uterus is right where it needs to be (still a bit below my belly button) I'm finally putting weight back on, even though I'm not even to my pre-pregnancy weight yet. But soon enough! :] And the heartbeat was nice at 140-150.. beautiful! I even recorded it, so I can have it and share with all of you.

My ultrasound to find out what were having is right around the corner, just 6 more days! I'm TOTALLY not excited about drinking all that water, but what can ya do? lol I just hope the little nugget decides to spread the legs!

I'm starting to feel harder and harder kicks which sometimes catches me off guard! We were grocery shopping today, and I was talking to Anthony.. and out of the blue BAM! I was like.. holy cow! haha.. so not looking forward to those kicks up in the ribs. Ah!

That's really all that is going on, more updates when I have more going on!

And for your entertainment, my babies beautiful heartbeat! :]

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

18 weeks!

Wow, where has time gone. I can't believe that I'm already 18 weeks! It amazes me how quick time flies by! I love feeling little flutters in my belly, they aren't consistent yet.. but I can tell that baby likes certain foods! :]]

One more week til my 19 week check up, and two more weeks til we find out what the little nugget is!! :] We're so excited. & I'm so excited to tell everyone the name too!

It's getting closer & closer to time for us to find out when we'll be back home! Which is crazy exciting as well. I'm not looking forward to moving while pregnant, but I'm looking forward to being back home with our family & friends.

The New Year is bringing such great things. We can't wait to move, buy a house, start school, have our baby & start our family! Everything has fallen into place, and it's the most wonderful feeling. To think that this time last year, I was wondering if I'd ever have a baby.. and here we are almost 1/2 way done! It's an amazing feeling. I can't wait to be a mommy! :]