Saturday, May 16, 2009

Less than 30 days?!

Holy cow! Where has time gone? It's so close that it's kinda scary. Haha! Regardless of how scared we are, we are truly excited for her to get here. Not to mention she's getting so big in there that she hurts mommy when she moves around. lol

I had my 36 week appointment last week, I'm weighing 144 lbs, which is a weight gain of 22 lbs. Not too bad, cause I really don't want to go over 150. But we shall see. I was dilated to a one whenever they checked me.. not too exciting seeing how people can stay at ones forever! But my doctor goes on vacation June 6th-14th.. and seeing how I'm due the 10th.. he said if I make it to a 2 or 3 before the 6th, he'll induce me. So we shall see.

The house is going great.. almost completely done! I can't wait to be in it.. which we will be before she gets here! Thank God!

Work is still going good, tiring since I work full time.. and am about to pop, but not much longer.. and I'll enjoy maternity leave. I'm somewhat looking for a job here where we are living so I'd be right up the road instead of 25 mins away, that would also be handy with me breastfeeding. So hopefully that works out.

Other than that, not much is going on. Not much longer :D