Thursday, April 16, 2009

Short Update

Just a short little update!

Things are going great down here in Texas! My job is going good, tiring.. but good, lol! We will be closing on the house today, actually in about 3 hours! We're so excited to have a place of our own again, and to call home. Except this time.. it REALLY is "ours" no more renting.

I can't wait to get into the house and start painting and all that good stuff! I can't wait to get Hailey's room all set up. My baby shower is May 2nd, so after that we will have everything and be completely done with her room. So exciting. I can't believe I'm already 32 weeks.. she's going to be here so soon. And with me working, it just makes time go by so much faster too.

My next doctors appointment is my 34 week appointment. I wasn't able to get one right off the bat because of changing doctors.. but I should be fine for the next 2 weeks until then. I've been experiencing lots of contractions, which I guess are just Braxton Hicks.. cause it's nothing consistent.. but man people weren't joking when they said do they hurt! Supposedly, water helps them.. hah NOT! Cause I drink plenty of water.. and they still come. So whatever :D Not too much longer!!

Oh and here is one of the 4d pictures from our ultrasound. I forgot to post it last blog. She's beautiful!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

31 weeks!

Geez sorry for not posting for so long. Things have been crazy busy, and it makes time go by so fast!

We have officially bought a house in Texas, yes our original plan was to live in Oklahoma. But we found a house, fell in love with it.. and it makes us happy! :D And all in all, that's what matters!
I have gotten a job, YES at 31 weeks I have gotten a job. I have a good friend who is a manager at a book store, and she told me she would hire me and even give me 6 weeks of maternity leave. Anthony isn't working, and we don't plan on him working either. 1) because he is drawing disability.. so he doesn't need to work. 2) with me working, I'd much rather Hailey stay with him than at a daycare. So that is the plan for now :D

Our 4d ultrasound went good. We had one at 28 weeks, and she was stubborn and wouldn't move her hands from in front of her face. So thankfully they let us come back again at 29 weeks. We got lots of adorable little pictures. I can't wait to see her ! :D

As for us moving to Texas, that also means ANOTHER doctor change.. but we've already accomplished that.. and I'll get to make my next appointment next week. I can't believe before we know it, she's going to be here. Time has gone by so fast.. and I know it'll even go by quicker once she is here.

I gotta say a HUGE congrats to The Scroggins & Northcutts on both of their little bundle of joys arriving! :D