Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I can't believe how big my belly is growing! It's amazing to watch! Here are some pictures, just to compare. :] It may not look big to someone else, but to me and Anthony.. it's getting huge.. lol! I haven't gained back all my weight yet still. Pre pregnancy I was 122, and I'm currently at 113. I'll gain it all back eventually though, no rushing!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Water hog!

17 weeks! Wow, we're getting closer and closer to the half way mark. It's crazy to me, because we've never made it this far in the past. But things are going great. We've got to see our baby twice, and the heartbeat 3 times. And every time everything was great! I can't wait to see the little nugget again. Just a few more weeks! :] I'm so anxious to know boy or girl.. I have so many ideas for the nursery! I wont be decorating here in NY, but we'll be moving shortly after we find out the sex.. and then I'll get to decorate. (AFTER we finalize on a house of course)

The holidays were okay. Kinda depressing being away from family and all. And the hormones didn't help at all.. I was just in a blah mood all day. But I did manage to cook a nice dinner for us a couple days in a roll.. and THANKFULLY was able to keep it all down :]

The other night, early on the 26th, LATE Christmas night.. I was laying on the couch flat on my back. And all of a sudden felt a huge roll like wave in my belly. I put my hand on my belly and one side of it was all hard, and the other was soft. So I guess the baby decided s/he wanted to lay over on the right side.. and made it VERY noticeable. That was the 1st time I was able to say that I FELT the baby move, all the other times has just been little flutters. Soon enough though and I should start feeling kicks constantly. I've read around 18-22 weeks.. so we're almost there!

I swear I can never drink enough water. I stopped drinking bottle water, because it would always get too warm and bother me, and I wouldn't drink it. LOL. So I have started drinking filtered water from our faucet.. and OMG I think it's the best tasting water ever! Plus, I'm able to keep it crazy cold with ice.. and it's delicious. I drink like 5 or so big glasses a day. Only downfall I have to pee every 5 minutes. lol! I have no clue how I'm gonna do the gender ultrasound with not being able to pee! But, I'll somehow manage!

That's it for now! I want to congratulate Brittany & Allen on their precious baby girl Lorelei.. she's a doll! Congrats :]

Sunday, December 21, 2008

16 weeks.

Well here we are at 16 weeks.. still throwing up! lol Not near as bad though, just every few days. Thankfully! I don't take the meds that they gave me, because they knock me out and I sleep for like 3 hours.. it's insane. So I'm thankful it's easing up on it's own.

I am going tomorrow to do my blood work for the down syndrome testing. If it comes back abnormal, I'll have to do more testing. But, I'm really not too worried about it.

I have set up my appointment for the gender ultrasound. It's whenever I'm exactly 20 weeks, so we shouldn't have a problem at all seeing if it's a boy or girl! We already have names picked out as well, but we will reveal those whenever we know pink or blue! :]

By the time we find out boy or girl, we should also know when we will be returning back to Oklahoma! I can't wait to get back home to my family, and them all see the belly grow! So exciting, not much longer!!

That's really all for now, more updates later!

MySpace Countdowns

Friday, December 12, 2008

14 weeks!

Here we are in the 2nd trimester! FINALLY! I wish I could say that things were getting better with morning/all day sickness.. but the whole "it gets better in the 2nd trimester" is a load of bull! BUT, it will be all worth it in the end!

We had our 14 week appointment today. The heartbeat was 155-160. So very nice and healthy! It was the most beautiful sound in the world. The doctors finally agreed to give me medication for the nausea and throwing up. It took me dropping from 122 to 111, for them to finally do so. So, hopefully this will help somewhat.

In a couple weeks I go for more lab work, which will be for the down syndrome test. I'm not too worried about that, but sometimes it's nice to be safe.
And in about 6 weeks from today we will know what we are having! How awesome is that?! I honestly think I could go the whole time not knowing what we're having. Maybe I'm insane, lol. I just like the suspense.

I'll update more, when I have more to tell you all!! :]]

14 week belly