Friday, September 4, 2009

3 months!!

3 months old! Lordy time flies by so quickly once they get here, it's crazy!

My little love bug, is doing great! :D This month we had to fight a nasty ear infection but after we got her on some medications for it, it was gone within a few days, thankfully! Hailey has started sleeping through the night, some nights she'll wake up for a little snack.. but that's okay, cause then she's right back to sleep. We get about an 7-8 hour stretch at night, and that helps makes us really rejuvenated.

We got Hailey's ears pierced whenever she was 10 weeks old, her piercings are doing great.. and she doesn't even act like she notices them. Last time she was weighed was at 11 weeks, whenever we went to the doctor for her ear infection.. then she was 11lbs 3oz! Growing little bug!

She's becoming so much more active, it's so fun! She brings EVERYTHING to her mouth. Toys, blankets, teddies.. everything! So slobber mouth is all the time, haha! She usually wears bibs with her outfits, just so her outfit isn't soaking wet. She's got her little "coo's" and "goo's" down like she's been doing it forever, so cute! & her little laughs are so heart warming! :D

Hailey is still breastfeeding! 3 months and going strong! :D In the beginning I wondered how long I would last doing it.. but now since she's doing so great, my goal is at least a year! Hopefully everything goes as planned, cause I know that is best for her. She hasn't started on any solids yet, at 2 months we experimented with cereal.. but it was too hard on her belly since she was so young.. so in a big longer we'll try again.

I don't know what I ever did without this little girl in my life! I love spending every moment, of every day with her. I do work a few hours a day whenever they need me to cover a shift at work however. But now that we're parents, we've taken the parent role.. and learned many things about life.. about what is important and what isn't important.. and how to take responsibility whenever you have a little family.

That's about all of an update for now, hope you all are doing great! I'll have another update next month since she goes back to the dr for her shots and checkup!