Monday, June 22, 2009

2 weeks old!

Here we are, 2 1/2 wks post partum. Things are going great!

Hailey went to her 2 wk pp checkup today, she is 7lbs 14oz. (8lbs at birth) they say she is doing great though and it's expected to lose weight while breastfeeding. She has started eating a lot more in the past few days, so I'm sure she'll become a chunker soon! :D She's also in the 50 percentile for her weight & height at this age. She is doing great sleeping at night. She'll have 4-5 hour stretches.. so it's nice for mommy and daddy to be able to get stretches of sleep. She'll wake up for about an hour to eat and be changed then she's back to bed.

I'm doing great as well, I don't have a checkup until 6 wks pp.. but I'm feeling great and back to my pre-pregnancy weight! My bleeding had come to a complete stop for a few days.. now it's back but just spotting. So not too bad. Stitches are gone, they were suppose to dissolve in 1-2 wks.

Yesterday was Anthony's first Father's Day! We went to church together, and had lunch at my grandparents house. I think that he enjoyed his first Father's Day, I hope he did.. even though Hailey is only 2 1/2 weeks old.. he's already such a good daddy! :D

That's about all of an update for now. Hope you all are doing great :D

"swimming" with mommy

1st Father's Day

Birth Story!

Where to begin.. :D

My original induction date was scheduled for Thurs, June 4th. I went to my 39 wk appt on June 3rd and he changed my induction date to June 5th. We were bummed. However, on Thurs (the 4th) the movers were at our house bring all of our household goods (since we just moved into our house) and I started having contractions around 6pm. They kept getting stronger and stronger, but I assumed she was playing games with mommy like she usually did. Haha! Little did I know, they would get closer and closer.. and STRONGER! Finally the movers left around 8pm, and I told my husband we HAD to go into the hospital.

We waited around a little bit longer, and went into L&D around 10:30pm. My contractions were 4-6 mins on the drive there.. but when I was hooked up to be monitored they said that they were 2-3 mins apart, and I was still only dilated to a 3. So they told me to get up and walk some and they'd check me in 2 hours. So we walked for about an hour.. then went and waited for them to come back and check me. When they came back at 1am (June 5th) I was still only a 3, but effaced a bit more. So they decided to keep me since I was going to be induced that morning anyways, and got me a room.

Once into our room, they started a bit of poticin just to help us progress a bit more. I received my epidural around 3:45am (girls don't EVER worry about the epi, my IV hurt worse than the epi.. no joke!) at that point I was 4cm dilated. So I was able to get a bit of rest finally. At 6:50am I was checked again, and I was dilated to 6cm. My dr told me to rest a bit more, because shortly we'd be pushing. I was in denial though.. because I've heard of SO many people getting stuck at a 6/7 and being there for HOURS. He came back and checked me at 7:30am.. and I was dilated to a 9! And so the pushing began..

We began pushing at 8:30am.. my doctor and nurses were still convinced that Hailey was small and it wouldn't take too much pushing and she'd be out. So we started pushing, and pushing.. and pushing. Finally he hooked up the vacuum to her head.. to help me out, and his words were "maybe she's bigger than we thought!" I had to be cut a bit, but not too bad. After an hour and 6 mins of pushing (9:36am) Hailey made her appearance into the world!

Hailey Jo Kienlen
June 5th, 2009
9:36 am
8lbs 21in long